Deepfreeze v 6.xx How to collapse in a computer cafe (preparation hack facebook password)

Previously I had a post about how to hack facebook poker chips keylogger method. Will be a problem for my friends if it finds a computer that is installed deepfreeze v 6 and above. If deepfreeze v5 broken down was easy, right?
DeepFreeze is compatible in pairs in the cafe so that the virus is not stored and lost during the restart. This also becomes a problem when installing any program installed diwarnet deepfreeze. Keylogger is no exception. Because the program will not be saved when the computer is restarted.
Luckily we have friends who want to share experiences "DeepFreeze hacker cafe" in its web. Copas well here's how I let my friends, agan-agan, kk2, ad2, all assigned to this information. Do not think aya taught hack loh. I just give us the info, dipake least this way depends indivdunya, Bener not? The following excerpts:
Prepare the first of at least 1 GB Flash Disk, used as the initial boot media when the company switched.
Making a Linux live USB.
Install DeepFreeze V.6 on another computer, then set DeepFreezenya be thawed Boot and restart the computer.
Copy the file $ persi0.sys located in C: \ to the Flash Disk that has been created for the Linux live USB.
Naah .. Skr we can begin to act only with Flash Disk 1 GB ...
Remember do not do that damage the interests of people hal2!.
Turn on the target computer and do not forget to set the first boot from a USB biosnya n wait until it finishes loading the Linux live Usbnya (yesterday I was wearing backtrak 3 if you do not have a download only).
After that, search the storage media file system Linux Windows with Windows Explorer and locate the file $ persi0.sys, if was able to delete or move the location of the file.
Copy the file $ persi0.sys that has been copied to the Flash Disk into location $ persi0.sys previously (klo diwindows "C: \ $ persi0.sys").
Now restart the computer and re-prioritized normalkan bootnya from a disk.
Now prepare DeepFreeze V.6 and double-click, then the window will pop up and do the uninstall deepfreeze uninstall process until selesei.
DeepFreeze Shit ...

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