> Learning Becoming Hacker
Learning Becoming Hacker
Posted on 4/07/2010
Hackers with expertise can view & fix weaknesses in the computer software; normally then published openly on the Internet for the system to become better. Unfortunately, few people take evil for evil use that information - they are usually called crackers. Basically the world of hackers and crackers are no different from the art world, here we are talking art Internet network security.
before you need to know your IP address used >in command prompt (cmd).
after that, the program Cain, click start APR and start sniffer such as in the following figure.
After that click snifing tab and then right click and select scan the MAC Address, view pictures:
Click the ARP tab at the bottom, then click the plus sign "+" to add, it will exit the dialog box as shown below.
On the left box click on an IP server and right-click on the box IP the victim. Do it repeatedly to nge-hack all victims of an existing IP address.
Once completed, the process will be conducted on all IP poisoning victims.
For results, please click the password tab on the bottom and click on HTTP, see the picture,
Reading Results:
* Click Menu HTTP On the left sidebar.
* Note Column Client, make sure it's not your own IP address.
* Watch your Username and Password fields. Often we come across data that is not the password, you will mendampatkan password if the target login.
Thank you my friends who commented and corrected this post.