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Posted on 7/25/2009
In a related site with so many controversial topics and skills, it is important to anticipate the incident and implement the provisions of the agreement and the service users. We want to provide a free place to learn, safe and legal for users of this site.
By reading this site, you agree to the following conditions:
1. All information available on this site is for educational purposes only. This site is not responsible for the misuse of any information.
2. "Science Hacking" is a title that reflects the content of the site and not a site that provides all the information illegally. IlmuHacking.com is a site related to Computer Security, and not a site that promotes hacking / cracking.
3. This site is really intended to provide information about "Network Security" and other topics related and not related to the term "cracking" or "HACKING" (which is unethical).
4. Some articles (posts) at this site that contains information related to "Hacking Password" or "Hacking Email Account" (or similar term) is not a Hacking guide. Articles that only provide information about the valid password to get back lost / forgotten.
5. All information on this site is intended to develop the attitude "Hacker Defense" between the user and to help prevent attacks. IlmuHacking.Com prohibit the use of this information for any damage caused directly or indirectly.
6. The word "Hack" or "Hacking" which is used on this site should be defined as "Ethical Hack" or "Ethical Hacking".
7. Some of the tricks provided by us may no longer work because of improvements to the bug that allows exploits. We are not responsible for any damages directly or indirectly caused by the use of hacks provided on this site.