
What if we are in protecting your computer using winlock
simply use the following source

Signature = "$ Chicago $"
Provider = topengdigital

DelReg = del

HKCR, CLSID \ (D1A17367-PRT8-4546-6A19-11OO4FFI823O) \ PROGID, ID
HKCU, Software \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Policies \ System, DisableTaskMgr
save in notepad with the
name jebol.inf, then right-click jebol.inf
press install.
then ctrl + Alt + del (taskmanager raises)
winlock.exe looking at the process and in endtask
when you finish, start again winlock
press F11, please change password in accordance with our wishes
then change all the disabled (or leave) because we
you've hold the password.
I've tried versions of the results wrong 4:51

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